Τετάρτη 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Do Rio and 101 Dalmatians happen in the same universe? (Marcel and his mindblowing secret family.)

I love making theories... One of them, of which I was working for like 4 years, is this one:

Disney purchased 21st Century Fox, right? Right. Why? Why not to purchase Paramount or Viacom instead? Well, we will never know. But I know ONE thing: two movies, one from Disney and one from Fox (Blue Sky to be exact.), might share the same universe. In this article, we will discuss the connection of two of my favorite movies of all time...
Disney's 1961 film "101 Dalmatians" was no doubt great. It has a strong message against animal cruelty. In fact, it was one of the last films Walt Disney himself actually worked at. And it was truly a masterpiece.

Blue Sky's 2011 film "Rio", as an equally nice masterpiece. Everyone can admit it. I think the world barely even knew anything about Spix Macaws before the film was released. And, to be honest, I feel really bad that this species is now extinct in the wild.

If you watch both films carefully, you'll discover that both films have at least something in common. Similar characters, similar plot, even similar villains. Yes, that's right. I know it sounds ridicoulous, but let's see some info from the first Rio movie. (Spoiler alert, watch the movies first.)

In the first Rio movie, when Tulio and Linda are on a date or something, Blu and Jewel try to get along at the cage. And yes this is ironic, as Blu tries to sleep, while Jewel tries to escape. A guy named Silvio guards the aviary while dancing to carnival music or something. Perhaps Brazilian guards are not that into their job, but let's move on. Suddenly, he hears a noise on the main hall of the aviary, and sees a cockatoo named Nigel. He tries to pick him up, but Nigel attacks him with a piece of smelly cloth directly into his mouth and nose, leaving Silvio unconscious. Nigel then gets  the keys and opens the door for a homeless orphan boy named Fernando. He steals the birds and puts them in a cage. He goes then all the way to a small house in a Favella where three smugglers live in. Their boss is the one and only Marcel:

An evil, selfish, vain, greedy and cruel person, who simply loves money, and that's obvious. On the orders of an unknown client, Marcel had hired Fernando to break into Tulio's aviary and steal Blu and Jewel, sending in Nigel first to pose as a sickly bird so he could let Fernando in. After Fernando brings him Blu and Jewel, Marcel only pays him half of what he promised, proving how greedy he is, and callously sends him on his way. He then chains Blu and Jewel together. Then he sends out Fernando and says go home to his mama. He mentions he's poor and does not have parents... or brother... or goldfish. He closes the door on him, deciding not to keep him. Then he says he doesn't care what happens to the birds to the other smugglers (but Fernando overheard them heartbroken) as long as they become rich.

After discovering that Blu and Jewel have escaped (With Marcel's minions, Armando and Tipa, having poorly tried to hide this fact by painting two chickens blue), he sends Nigel after them, and formulates a plan to use the Carnival as a cover for their moving of the captured birds. When Fernando returns (with Linda and Tulio, unbeknownst to him), Marcel has him help with their plan. Once Nigel captures Blu and Jewel, Marcel takes the birds to a waiting plane. Before taking off, he spots Fernando trying to free them, but is unable to stop him from running off. As the plane takes off, Linda and Tulio (driving a float) attempt to stop them, but fail. During the flight, Marcel notices that the birds are escaping. With the door to hanger blocked by a pile of cages, Marcel sends Nigel to stop them. This backfires when Nigel is strapped to a fire extinguisher by Blu, and is blown out of the plane into one of the propellers, causing the plane to fall. Marcel takes the single parachute for himself, shouting "Hasta la vista, loosers", to his minions, but Armando and Tipa jump after him, grabbing onto his legs as they slowly descend. He then sighs and yells "Ughh, Idiots" at them.

During the credits, it is shown that Marcel and the others have been arrested and imprisoned. And it was the last time we saw him. Though Nigel himself makes an appearance in the sequel, where he is the main villain, we never, ever saw Marcel, or his henchmen again. He only appeared once, and further information is unkown. We don't know anything about his childhood besides the fact he was sweet and resourceful.
Now, let's talk about the other movie's villain, which to me is Disney's most iconic and evil villain, ever to make it to the big screen....

...The queen of Disney villains herself, Cruella De Vil, from 101 Dlamatians....

Compared to Marcel, she appeared in a lot of media: A movie, a direct-to-DVD sequel, two live-action films, an animated show, Once Upon a Time, House of Mouse, only a few to mention, and several things about her childhoon are known, like she that she wanted a Dalmatian puppy when she was little (See animated series episode "A Christmas Cruella"). I think her bio is too long to mention, as she appeared in practically every media of the franchise... What? People like spoilers? Ok, then, here we go:

Cruella is an old school friend of Anita Radcliffe (aka Roger's wife), and a glamor-obsessed heiress who claims that she cannot live without furs. She hires Horace and Jasper Badun, two incompetent crooks, to steal Pongo and Perdita's 15 Dalmatian puppies, and buys eighty-four more through legitimate means. She needed all these 99 puppies in order to make fur coats out of them, and sell them on her fashion company 'House of Devil". The puppies esqape, Pongo and Perdita abopt them and she and her minions try to find them back. After reaching a town called Dinsford, they disguise as labrador retrievers, but the melting snow reveals their true form. Cruella tries to follow a truck where the puppies are in order to reach London faster, but her minions crush with their truck on her car, and all three of them fall of a cliff with their vehicles completely destroyed.

But I won't talk about every single apperearance of her, she appeared everywhere in the franchise.

Instead I'll shall anwser your question "How on Earth two completely different people, from two completely different universes, in a completely different time, and with a completely different goal, have something in common?"

Well, what if I told you that Marcel himself, is a De Vil?


Yes, that's right. Marcel is Cruella's son. 

They are related? "How?" You may ask. 

Part 1: Genetic similarities and behavior

 Well, if you compare them, they are both tall, slender, with a very large neck, and similar facial structure, with skull-shaped head and square chin. Let's compare the genetic similarities. Most doors are 2m tall, so we can compare the scenes where they appear on doorways.

Cruella, is obviously a really tall woman, way taller than the average. She appears to be 1,90 m (6ft 3''). Women can definitely be 6 ft. tall, but this is extremely rare, unlike men whose height can be very often 6ft and even more in some cases. Marcel also appears tall, if not taller, at 2m (6ft 5''). And usually men are taller than women, so perhaps a genetic connection is not only likely but also doable. And comparing with other De Vil family members, all appear to be extremely tall.

Let's now see other resemblances, by the following comparisons:

The only noticeable differences are the skin color, which can be explained if Marcel being tanned, he lives in Brazil after all, as well as the hair color, which can be explained because CDV's hair appears to be dyed on two-toned black and white like a chessboard. Wait what a chessboard? Are the De Vils obsessed with board games? Does that explain why Marcel has playing cards on his shirt? Ahem, let's continue. Another difference I have noticed are the eyebrows, which although have about the same width, they are slightly different. Cruella's eyebrows form semi-circles, which cover the entirety of her eyelids, but Marcel's ones end a little before his nose bridge. Okay, they don't have to be exact clones. Also, their lips are slightly different, but I assume that it is because Cruella wears lipstick. Another easily noticeable difference are the cheeks, which can be a result of botox and plastic surgery. A minor difference is also spotted on the nose. But besides these differences, their chins, mouths, noses, eyes and scalps are perfectly alligned. The forehead looks different, but I assume it is because of different hairstyles. CDV has a dyed bob-cut, while Marcel has some dreadlocks.

From a genetic prespective they are very similar, they also share a very, very similar behavior, both are mean, selfish, cruel (No pun intended), vain and greedy who see animals as a way to become rich and powerful. Yes, according to Wikipedia, behavior is inheritable too. In fact, It is clear from multiple lines of evidence that all researched behavioural traits and disorders are influenced by genes; that is, they are heritable.

Part 2: Timing

We are obviously sure that taking into account that 101D takes place in 1961 and that Rio takes place in 2011, exactly 50 years later, I guess CDV had enough time to have a baby (Marcel) in the 60's to be a grown up adult in 2011. The problem is that If CDV was born in the 30's to be 30 years old in 1961, she would have been a very, very, very old woman in 2011. If the animated film is valid, then Marcel would have been born in late '50's to early '60's and being a 50-year old adult in 2011. 

The problem is that Disney, for some odd reason, messed up the timing of the original film from early '60s to mid-90's, starting with the live action remake and the animated show. And, judging by the recent media such as Once Upon A Time and The Descendants, might prove that the latter is the canon one. Still, if she was born in the 60's, with Marcel born in the 90's, then we still have a 20-years old Marcel in 2011. But still I can't give an accurate guess on Marcel's age, let's wait for the upcoming Cruella film to be released, which is said to be set in '70's.

Part 3: Location

The bulk of 101D takes place in London, as seen from the river Thames and the Big Ben. The bulk of Rio takes place in Rio de Janeiro, and that's obvious. We have Copacabana beach, we have the statue of Jesus the Redeemer, we have the Maracana stadium, the Fabellas and stuff... However, we have several problems regarding the identity of the characters. Marcel seems Brazillian, because his actor (Carlos Ponce) is Latino. (Puerto Rican to be exact.). Marcel also has a flag of Brazil on his office.

Cruella appears obviously British, her accent is 100% british, all her actresses from Betty Lou Gerson to Glenn Close are either British either portray her as British, and her family house is in Suffolk, acording to the Great Dane which assisted Pongo and Perdita. Yet, her name is somewhat curious...

Cruella De Vil. A play on "Cruel Devil". The "ella" ending at her name might suggest an ancestry from a romance country such as Spain, Italy or France. So there is a chance she is actually half-French. Recently a book called "The Disney Villains files" has been released and includes several pictures from villains' past. On this case, CDV is seen with her mother, Dementia, which is a fashion designer in Paris. The picture also has the Eiffel tower in the background.

Marcel is an 100% French name. In fact, I've seen stereotypical French people named so. I've also seen several French last names starting with "De". Now, you may ask "Then, why Cruella speaks English with a British accent and why she was in school in England, so she knows Anita?".
Cruella's mother's real name is Malevola, (Possibly "Dementia" was a stage name) which according to Disney Wiki is Maleficent's Portuguese name. Brazilian people speak Portuguese. Things get harder. Can someone be British, French and Brazillian at the same time?
I think I found the solution. Malevola is Brazillian and moves to Paris to be a fashion designer.  If you look at her, she's not exactly pale, she is fairly tanned. She meets Cruella's father who half-french and half-english, possibly his father was French and that's why he had a French last name. They move to England and have three children, Cruella, Cecil (See the animated series) and an unknown sibling that has yet to be revealed. This additional sibling is a matter of mystery surrounding the family, as Ivy, CDV's niece, is not Cecil's daughter. According to Doddie Smith's original book, Cruella was married to a furrier, but his identity is yet to be discovered. She also kept her maiden name, and possibly so did her children, Carlos from The Descendants and Marcel. Eventually, the couple broke up and the furrier took Marcel's custody and Cruella took Carlos' custody, whom she treated like a slave. Marcel, however, idolized his mother, and wanted to become like her. After 102 Dalmatians, when his mother was imprisoned for life, the family fell into poverty and Marcel, being the only loyal De Vil member, flew to his origin place, Rio De Janeiro, where he led two smugglers to capture several exotic birds (Including a bat, for some reason), so they can get rich again. When I started working on that theory in 2017, I though that their client was actually Cruella herself, but the fact thas she was imprisoned for life after 102 Dalmatians goas against that claim. Also, the Greek dub of the movie, somehow proves that claim wrong, as Marcel's client is mentioned as male. Marcel's french ancestry might explain why he says "Au revoir", after Marcel ends his call with their client. 


Taking all these info into account, I can guarantee that Marcel is an 100% De Vil. He is Cruella's son. He was hidden all along, for 10, if not 60, years!!! Maybe he would have wore the signature two-toned DeVil hair, before losing his mother forever. When I first proposed the theory to a well-known YouTuber from my country, he said that there was no connection, possibly because of the lack of evidence back then. Now, I feel that my theory is much more complete, and with more evidence. The upcoming "Cruella" film with Emma Stone, which was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, will be released by 2021, and I expect some well-hidden secrets regarding her possible relationships with other people, and might reveal Marcel's father. Stay tuned for a family tree. Something that no-one ever did about the family. Goodbye, and remember, that, as MatPat says "It's just a theory."

Update: 6/11/2020 -  After remembering the first 101D movie, I came across a line of Anita asking Cruella how is she, and Cruella replying "Miserable as usual. Perfectly wretched." I mean why she is so miserable? Does it is because of her divorce with the furrier? 
Update: 8/11/2020

And here's the family tree. To be honest, this is the hardest one that I ever made. It took me two days to pull it off. I made that on Word, and I'm truly sorry for spelling errors. I can't disable the wavy lines underneath text with grammar errors. Now that I see, I have missed Carlos, but this is not a obvious difference. The problem is that I missed Hunter, but it's unclear whose child (or grand-child) is he. 

--------Have a nice day... or evening... or... whatever.

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